Modern Web Design at an Affordable Price
WebsiteAll the basics to get your website up and running... |
Web AppFor those who want to go above and beyond... |
Price | $69/month | $99/month |
Initial Build | A completely hand-made website created just to your liking. |
A completely hand-made web app created just to your liking. |
Changes | Unlimited website changes done at any time. Just let me know what you want changed! |
Unlimited website changes done at any time. Just let me know what you want changed! |
Hosting | ~50,000 Page Views/month* | ~250,000 Page Views/month* |
Domain ? | 1 Included | Up to 3 Included |
Email At Your Domain ? | Included | Included |
File Storage ? | Unlimited | Unlimited |
SSL (Green "Secure" Lock) ? | Included | Included |
Real-Time Analytics | Included | Included |
Forms | Included | Included |
Blog | Included | Included |
Newsletter ? | Included (MailChimp Watermark) | Included |
Site Memeberships ? | Not Included | Included |
Dynamic Content Generation ? | Not Included | Included |
Full Backend Server Control ? | Not Included | Included |
Get Started | Get Started |
Have some questions? Check out the FAQ.
Already have a website? I can redesign or make modifications for $30/hour. Contact Me to get started.
Hi. My name is Joshua Franklin, and I am currently studying Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. In my free time, I design websites and create other music, videos, and software I think are worth sharing.
These beautiful, responsive, and interactive websites I make come at a very low cost. Having lots of experience in web development, I can make anything from a static web page, to online forms, blogs, stores, and more.
My interest in computers has lasted throughout all my life. I have been coding computers for many years, and recently I have been putting these skills into web development.
I have lots of experience with WordPress, Firebase, GoDaddy's Website Editor, Wix Website Editor, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Flask, and Socket-IO, allowing me to make advanced and interactive websites.